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Emoji Translator

Enter your text in the input above to frame the words in the matching emojis.





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Emoji Picker - Search by character name or category

Emoji search made easy: Search by name or category or pick one in the gallery above. Copy-paste these images as plain text.

  • Faces ๐Ÿ˜€ – Browse the face emoji gallery for smileys, and other yellow heads and symbols. Search by name or select from the library to start using them today to interact with your friends.
  • People ๐Ÿ‘ง – Find people emoji gallery that includes boy, girl, men, women, bride, groom, key job occupants, plus many more. Find the perfect people emoji to use in your messenger conversations today!
  • Animals ๐Ÿด – Choose from our vast animal emoji gallery which includes; cats, dogs, monkey, lion and tiger, unicorns, fish, birds reptiles and insects. Liven up your social media posts, stories or conversations!
  • Nature ๐ŸŒž – Choose from our unique nature emoji gallery that includes all-weather and astrology symbols. Why not copy and paste this into your social media posts to stand out and impress?
  • Food ๐Ÿง – Browse our vast food emoji gallery that includes; bread, meat, vegetables. fruit, cakes, sweets, utensils, and beverages. Plus symbols that describe breakfast, Chinese and Japanese and many more!
  • Activity ๐Ÿƒ – Search our unique activity emoji gallery for emoji symbols that includes sports, medals, balls, arts and music. Reveal your hobbies, or upgrade your edited text with our easy to use copy and paste creative emojis.
  • Travel ๐Ÿš• – Browse our travel emoji gallery for the best symbols, such as; Iconic cities, landscapes, and vehicles. Copy and paste into your messenger conversations or social media status updates for a unique result.
  • Objects ๐Ÿ’ฃ – We have a vast object emoji gallery for the most creative symbols, such as; general objects, clocks, office tools, tech, vehicles and more. Create visually appealing conversations or social media updates now!
  • Symbols ๐Ÿ‘Œ – You are ont his page. Choose from our symbols emoji gallery for a diverse range of options that include; playing cards, chess, horoscopes, hands, hearts and environmental symbols. Get creative with your emoji game by simply copying and pasting!
  • Characters ™ – Our character picker has never been easier to search, simply browse by category or use the search bar. Our character symbols gallery includes; letters, drawings, arrows, shapes, math and marks. Get creative!