
ConvertCase - Online instant case converter

Convert your text to all lowercase, UPPERCASE, sentence and title case or choose alternating or random. Generate valid file names with the PascalCase and snake_case options.

Input your text above and click the generated effects to copy to your clipboard.

all lowercase




Sentence case.


Title Case


AlTeRnAtInG CaSe




Password (Random Case)








Remove punctuation


Enter or paste your text in the input above or simply click the Random Text button for a demo. The input field might seem to be single line but it supports multiline text as well. Click the generated result to copy it to your clipboard. The converter preserves the new lines.

Our case converter tool is easy to use and produces fun results for you to copy and paste, and use it at any time. How about in social media posts, chat room or comments? The options are endless!

all lowercase

In typography the all lowercase text lacks capital letters. This unicase style is often used for poetic/artistic effect but it's often seen in computer languages. It's a common thing to type all lowercase in informal communications such as SMS or internet chat, especially if a single sentence is transmitted.

Case conversion effects

This tools is incredibly handy especially for education or work even! Accidentally typed an entire document in lower case or vice versa, in upper case?

No problem. Just copy and paste your text into the toolbar to alter its format.

all lowercase

In typography, the all-lowercase text lacks capital letters. This unicase style is often used for poetic/artistic effect but it's often seen in computer languages. It's a common thing to type all lowercase in informal communications such as SMS or internet chat, especially if a single sentence is transmitted.


All capital letters usually mean shouting in chat conversations so make sure to use them carefully. Titles of book covers are often written in all uppercase but they can be seen on legal documents, advertisements, newspaper headlines and everywhere they need the text to stand out more.

Title Case

Title case is one of the practices used for capitalizing the words in a title, subtitle, headings, or headline: capitalizing the first word, the last word, and all principal words in between. It is also known as ‘Up style’ and ‘Headline style’.

AlTeRnAtInG CaSe

Alternating case or ‘Caps’, are typically used to display mockery in SMS or social media. The randomized capitalization leads to the movement of words being broken, making it difficult for the text to be read as it obstructs word identification, even when the size of the letters is the same as in uppercase or lowercase.

alternating case converter


Random case or ‘caps’ is also known as ‘intermittent capitalization’ spelt out like HI, WHeRe ArE YOu? It is mostly used on social media, especially chat rooms and conversations. Its appearance is similar to alternating case font - where it makes it difficult to be read.


PascalCase is a naming protocol in which the first letter of each word in a compound word is capitalized. Software developers often use PascalCase when writing source code to name functions, classes, and other objects.


Hyphen case is usually found and used in a URL. However, the dash-separated-string is quite common in several languages (the LISP family), and also in ancillary languages used in programming, such as CSS and for naming computer files and folders.


Stylized as snake_case relates to the style of writing in which each space is replaced by an underscore character and the first letter of each word written in lowercase. It is a commonly used naming practice in computing, for example; filenames. The most common way of writing a sentence if Space character is not allowed, for example in passwords.

Remove punctuation

The use of remove punctuation converter is predominantly used by computer programmers, in particular in Python. Removing all punctuation from text strings allows them to analyze the data and process it a lot quicker.

Alternative Converters

If you don't find it comfortable our one-liner input field and want to convert larger documents then go on to HTML Cleaner's case converter with a larger text box